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Address: Smolnaya ulitsa, 24A
Open hours:
mo 10:00 - 23:00
tu 10:00 - 23:00
we 10:00 - 23:00
th 10:00 - 23:00
fr 10:00 - 23:00
sa 10:00 - 23:00
su 10:00 - 23:00

All Sushi WOK raids

Any three different 20 cm pizzas for 597₽ at Sushi WOK

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The promotion does not include pizza Margherita.
The promotion is not valid on February 14, 21-23 and March 6-8.
The promotion applies to delivery.
Pizza in the same set of shares should not be repeated.
Registration through the site is possible.
This promotion is not cumulative with some other promotions.

Morocco roll, fruit drink 0.5 l or lemonade 0.5 l of choice for free when ordering from 800₽ at Sushi WOK

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Drink or roll to choose from for free when ordering from 800₽:
— Morocco roll (regular price 247₽).
— black currant juice 0.5 l (regular price 85₽);
— cranberry juice 0.5 l (regular price 85₽);
— ginger lemonade 0.5 l (regular price 85₽);

The promotion is valid in the restaurant and for delivery, not combinable with other promotions.

Any three different 30 cm pizzas for 1299₽ at Sushi WOK

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The promotion does not include pizza Margherita.
The promotion is not valid on February 14, 21-23 and March 6-8.
The promotion applies to delivery.
Pizza in the same set of shares should not be repeated.
Registration through the site is possible.
This promotion is not cumulative with some other promotions.

Are you a restaurant representative?
When new raids in this restaurant will appear, you will receive an e-mail with links to them.