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Address: Kalashniy pereulok, 5
Open hours:
mo 06:55 - 22:05
tu 06:55 - 22:05
we 06:55 - 22:05
th 06:55 - 22:05
fr 06:55 - 22:05
sa 06:55 - 22:05
su 06:55 - 22:05

All Skuratov Coffee raids

Drink from menu for free when buying any pack of coffee at Skuratov Coffee

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

When you purchase any pack of coffee get a drink from the menu free of charge.
Offer is valid for all the beans on the shelves, including decaf.
Also during the offer, you can enjoy a drink from the «not coffee» section — all teas, soft drinks, matcha lattes and cocoa.
Offer can be used immediately or later. A coupon for one free drink is attached to the beans pack and is can be used in any coffee shop at any time.

50% discount on all food in the fridge at Skuratov Coffee

daily from 8PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

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