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Address: ulitsa Pokrovka, 5/5
Open hours:
mo 11:00 - 00:00
tu 11:00 - 00:00
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th 11:00 - 00:00
fr 11:00 - 03:00
sa 11:00 - 03:00
su 11:00 - 00:00

All Saperavi Cafe raids

Free khachapuri for 14 reviews about the restaurant at Saperavi Cafe

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager email saperavicafe@mail.ru with the theme «I want khachapuri». In response, he will send links to the 14 sites on which you’ll have to post positive reviews:

1. www.facebook.com/saperavicafe

2. https://www.restoclub.ru/msk/search?name=Saperavi+Café

3. Search for «Saperavi cafe» in Google

4. https://yandex.ru/maps/org/saperavi_cafe/1070256757/?ll=37.585664%2C55.775824&z=17

5. https://www.tripadvisor.ru/Restaurant_Review-g298484-d2418263-Reviews-Saperavi_Cafe-Moscow_Central_Russia.html

6. https://www.afisha.ru/msk/restaurant/33883/

7. https://ru.foursquare.com/v/saperavi/4e946a4d2c5b36f3226ab276

8. https://otzovik.com/reviews/restoran_saperavi_cafe_russia_moscow/

9. http://irecommend.ru/content/saperavi-cafe-saperavi-kafe-moskva

10. https://zoon.ru/msk/restaurants/kafe_gruzinskoj_kuhni_saperavi_na_metro_novoslobodskaya/

11. https://moscow.flamp.ru/firm/saperavi_kafe_gruzinskojj_kukhni-4504127917865698

12. https://speelogroup.com/contacts/

13. https://www.yell.ru/moscow/com/saperavi-cafe_9730073/

14. https://www.restoran.ru/msk/detailed/restaurants/saperavicafe_tverskaya_yamskaya/

After that you have to send 14 screenshots of your reviews and 14 links in the reply letter, show the conversation to the manager and get a khachapuri for free.

Adjarian khachapuri or dessert for free on your birthday at Saperavi Cafe

on birthday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

All birthday guests are given Adjarian khachapuri or a dessert of choice for any order.

The second bottle of Georgian wine for free at Saperavi Cafe

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The second bottle of Saperavi Schuhmann dry red wine, Askaneli Brut sparkling wine or Tsinandali Dugladze dry white wine for free.

A bottle of wine as a gift in mobile app on birthday when ordering from 5000₽ at Saperavi Cafe

on birthday, 3 days before and after it
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A bottle of wine, free birthday mobile app «Saperavi» when ordering from 5000₽.

1000 birthday bonuses at Speelo Group

on birthday and 14 days before it
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Holders of an electronic bonus card, 14 days before their birthday, receive 1000 bonuses that will be valid for 14 days.

The card is stored in the phone (Android — Google Pay, iOS — Apple Wallet), it does not need a plastic version.

5% of the amount of each check will be sent to the bonus account on any day of the year.

The second Adjarian hachapuri for free at Saperavi Cafe

on weekdays from 4PM to 6PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Anyone who orders Adjarian khachapuri gets one more for free. The action includes three kinds of «boats» for 420₽ each: Adjarian, Adjarian with spinach and Adjarian with tomatoes and spices.

Tea or coffee for free when ordering dessert at Saperavi Cafe

on weekdays from 4PM to 6PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Khachapuri and a glass of lemonade for 650₽ at Saperavi Cafe

on weekdays from 4PM to 6PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The set of khachapuri (normal price is up to 450₽) and a glass of lemonade (normal price is 350₽) for 650₽.

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