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Address: Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 82/34-1
Open hours:
mo 14:00 - 02:00
tu 14:00 - 03:00
we 14:00 - 03:00
th 14:00 - 03:00
fr 14:00 - 04:00
sa 14:00 - 04:00
su 14:00 - 02:00

All Pitcher Pub raids

5 draft beers for 200₽ at Pitcher Pub

every Sunday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

5 draft beers for 200₽.

You can check with the bartender, which beers are offered for this price.

Beer + steak = 550₽ at Pitcher Pub

every Monday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Beer + steak = 550₽ instead of the usual 800₽.

1+1 offer on Red fox, Karamazov APA and Progusta beer at Pitcher Pub

every Tuesday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

1+1 (two for the price of one) offer on Red Fox, Karamazov APA and Progusta beers.

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