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Address: Ukrainskiy bulvar, 7
Open hours:
mo 11:00 - 23:00
tu 11:00 - 23:00
we 11:00 - 23:00
th 11:00 - 23:00
fr 11:00 - 23:00
sa 11:00 - 23:00
su 11:00 - 23:00

All Odessa-Mama raids

Tinctures for free and unlimited on birthday for Odessa Card owners at Odessa-Mama

on birthday and 6 days after it
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

For a birthday of a Odessa Card owner, the whole company is treated to tinctures for free and unlimited. The offer can only be used once per week.

Each second glass of tincture for free at Odessa-Mama

from Monday to Wednesday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A glass of any tincture for 100₽ when ordering dishes at Odessa-Mama

every Wednesday from 4PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A glass of any tincture for 100₽ when ordering dishes. The promotion is valid inside the cafe.

Any soup for free to the order by «Odessa card» at Odessa-Mama

every Saturday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Any soup for free with «Odessa Card». A compliment cannot be ordered for delivery or takeout. You need to order something by the menu to get the compliment.

Are you a restaurant representative?
When new raids in this restaurant will appear, you will receive an e-mail with links to them.