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Address: Mytninskaya naberezhnaya, 3
Open hours:
mo 12:00 - 23:00
tu 12:00 - 23:00
we 12:00 - 23:00
th 12:00 - 23:00
fr 12:00 - 23:00
sa 12:00 - 23:00
su 12:00 - 23:00

All Mari Vanna raids

20% birthday discount at Mari Vanna

on birthday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

20% discount on birthday.

A free dish of choice when ordering delivery from 2000₽ at Mari Vanna

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A free dish of choice when ordering delivery from 2000₽:
— Olivier with sausage;
— Chicken bouillon;
— Chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes;
— Charlotte with apples.

50% discount on the main menu when paying in cash for bonus card holders at Mari Vanna

every Monday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

50% discount on the main menu when paying in cash (only for key holders).

50% discount on the main menu for women’s companies when paying in cash and with a bonus card at Mari Vanna

every Tuesday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

50% discount on the main menu for women’s companies when paying in cash (only for key holders).

Unlimited sandwiches for 990₽ per person at Mari Vanna

every Wednesday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

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