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Address: Slavyanskaya ploshchad, 2/5/4-3
Open hours: 24/7

All Liberty raids

1 meter of tequila for 1000₽ at Liberty

from Sunday until Friday 21:00
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A meter of tequila (10 shots) from the blue agave for 1000₽.

In celebratory and holiday days offer is not valid.

25% birthday discount for pre-order from 2000₽ per person at Liberty

on birthday and a month after it
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

25% birthday discount on all menu with pre-order from 2000₽ per person.

50% cashback when replenishing the loyalty card at Liberty

daily from 6AM to 3PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

50% discount on all alcohol at Liberty

from Sunday to Thursday from 11PM to 6AM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

50% discount on all menu at Liberty

from 10AM Monday to 10AM Tuesday, not valid from 12PM to 4PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The promotion does not apply to other special offers. The promotion is not valid on holidays, pre holidays and during lunch.

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