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Address: Kozhevennaya liniya, 40, “Sevkabel Port” shopping and exhibition complex, 1st floor
Open hours:
mo 09:00 - 23:00
tu 09:00 - 23:00
we 09:00 - 23:00
th 09:00 - 23:00
fr 09:00 - 23:00
sa 09:00 - 23:00
su 09:00 - 23:00

All Katushka raids

A glass of sparkling wine for free when ordering an English breakfast, benedict with salmon or ham at Katushka

every Saturday from 9AM to 3PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

A free glass of sparkling wine when ordering breakfast:
— Benedict with salmon;
— Benedict with ham;
— English breakfast.

A free dessert when ordering from 600₽ at Katushka

every Sunday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

20% discount on WOK at Katushka

every Monday from 3PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The second glass of Bud draft beer 0.5 l for free at Katushka

every Tuesday from 3PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

When ordering two glasses of Bud draft beer light lager 0.5 l the guest only pays for one.

20% discount on any pizza and pasta at Katushka

every Wednesday from 3PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

20% discount on khachapuri at Katushka

every Thursday from 3PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

The second cocktail for free at Katushka

every Friday from 3PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

When ordering two cocktails the guest only pays for one.

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