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Address: Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 62/3
Open hours:
mo 11:00 - 00:00
tu 11:00 - 00:00
we 11:00 - 00:00
th 11:00 - 06:00
fr 11:00 - 06:00
sa 11:00 - 06:00
su 11:00 - 00:00

All Zhiga-dryga raids

20 shots for 2450₽ instead of 4000₽ + free «Super Hero» T-shirt if you survive at Zhiga-dryga

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

20 shots for 2450₽ instead of 4000₽.
Free T-shirt «Super Hero» if you survive.
Shots: 3 B-52, 3 Shushi, 3 Canalyas, 3 Cheshire, 3 Dead Mexicans, 3 Iron Ladies, 2 Secret Shots.

9 shots for 900₽ instead of 1800₽ at Zhiga-dryga

every Monday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

9 shots for 900₽ instead of 1800₽.

Free shot on birthday at Zhiga-dryga

on birthday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Free shot on birthday.

25 shots for 2950₽ instead of 5000₽ + a free «Mega Boss» T-shirt if you survive at Zhiga-dryga

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

25 shots for 2950₽ instead of 5000₽.
Free «Mega Boss» T-shirt if you survive.
Shots: 3 B-52, 3 Shushi, 3 Canalyas, 3 Cheshire, 3 Dead Mexicans, 3 Iron Ladies, 3 Taras Bulba and 4 Secret Shots.

15 shots for 1950₽ instead of 3000₽ + a free T-shirt if you survive at Zhiga-dryga

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

15 shots for 1950₽ instead of 3000₽.
Free T-shirt if you survive.
Shots: 3 B-52, 3 Shushi, 3 Canalyas, 3 Cheshire, 3 Dead Mexicans.

Every third glass of beer for free at Zhiga-dryga

every Tuesday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

3 beers for the price of 2.

2 cocktails for the price of 1 at Zhiga-dryga

every Thursday
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

2 cocktails for the price of 1: Long Island, Rum-Cola, Whiskey-Cola, Screwdriver.

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