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Address: Stremyanniy pereulok, 26
Open hours:
mo 08:30 - 23:00
tu 08:30 - 23:00
we 08:30 - 23:00
th 08:30 - 23:00
fr 08:30 - 02:00
sa 11:00 - 02:00
su 11:00 - 23:00

All Zharovnya raids

30% discount for students at Zharovnya

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Present a student’s ID and receive a discount of 30%.

Shot of vodka or gin as a gift when ordering dishes from «Alternative» section of the menu at Zharovnya

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

When ordering dishes from «Alternative» section of the menu get a shot of home-brew of choice or gin on lime leaves as a gift.
This section contains the following dishes:
— Brain bones with Borodinskiy bread — 560₽ (only on Dmitrovka);
— Beef cheeks with potato cream and charcoal — 780₽;
— Flank steak — 880₽ on Dmitrovka / 780₽ on Stremyanniy;
— Picanha steak — 880₽ on Dmitrovka / 780₽ on Stremyanniy;
— Beef ribs baked in black pepper — 920₽ on Dmitrovka / 880₽ on Stremyanniy.

20% lunch discount on all dishes at Zharovnya

on weekdays
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

20% discount on all food at lunch.

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