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Address: Sokol'nicheskaya ploschad, 9
Open hours:
mo 10:00 - 00:00
tu 10:00 - 00:00
we 10:00 - 00:00
th 10:00 - 00:00
fr 10:00 - 00:00
sa 10:00 - 00:00
su 10:00 - 00:00

All #FARSh raids

Free cheeseburger for loyalty card registration and for purchase from 690₽ at #FARSH

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

When buying from 690₽, the guest receives a cheeseburger for free (instead of 450₽). A cheeseburger can be obtained only after registering a loyalty card on the site by clicking the «Source» button. The gift is available within 14 days after the registration of the card.

The promotion is valid indefinitely and may end at any time at the discretion of the organizer. The offer does not apply to delivery.

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