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Address: Novocherkasskiy bul'var, 13
Open hours:
mo 09:00 - 23:00
tu 09:00 - 23:00
we 09:00 - 23:00
th 09:00 - 23:00
fr 09:00 - 00:00
sa 09:00 - 00:00
su 09:00 - 23:00

All Dodo Pizza raids

Discount promo codes for mystery shoppers after check at Dodo Pizza

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Dodo Pizza Mystery Shopper Program:

— Register in the program by clicking the «Source» button;
— Choose and agree on a convenient day for checking;
— Make an order (for your own money);
— Write and send a report;
— Receive promotional codes for a discount on the next week after the check-up until 6PM Moscow time (the date of accrual of bonuses for the inspection is indicated in the checklist).

Check cost:

1. For checking the restaurant and food court:
— 2 promotional codes for a discount. The discount for each promo code is equal to the cost of a 30 cm pizza;
— 1 promotional code for a discount (200₽).
2. For checking delivery: 2 promotional codes for a discount. The discount for each promo code is equal to the cost of a 30 cm pizza;
3. For inspection: 2 promotional codes for a discount. The discount of each promo code is equal to the cost of a pizza 35 cm.

You can use promotional codes only in the pizzeria in which the check was carried out. A second check can be carried out in a month. Promotional codes are valid for 1 year from the date of receipt.

25 cm Four seasons pizza for free when ordering any big pizza by 3088, 7094 or 8018 promo code at Dodo Pizza

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

25 cm Four seasons pizza for free instead of 395₽ when ordering any big pizza by 3088, 7094 or 8018 promo code.
The promotion is valid once per person for delivery, in a restaurant and at pickup.
The promotion does not work with combos and added ingredients.
Discounts for promotional codes are not cumulative.
The offer is valid while the product is in stock.

Go to the site by clicking the «Source» button.

Triangular pizza slices for 35₽ each 45 minutes after baking at Dodo Pizza

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Each restaurant has a schedule of baking pizza, which is sold in pieces. The pieces are on display one hour after baking, and in the last 15 minutes they cost 35₽ instead of 75₽. Only triangular pieces participate in the promotion. The offer is valid for square (roman) pieces. The promotion is valid only in those pizzerias that sell triangular slices.

Dodster for free when ordering from 495₽ and for subscribing to the newsletter at Dodo Pizza

Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Within 3 days from the date of subscribing to the newsletter by the «Source» button, a promo code for a free Dodster with delivery orders from 495₽ will be sent to you. To receive a promo code, you must leave your phone number and email. The promotion is valid for 14 days from the date of receipt of the letter with the promotional code or while the products are in stock. Discounts for promo codes are not cumulative. The promo code is valid once. The promotion does not work with combo and added ingredients.

Are you a restaurant representative?
When new raids in this restaurant will appear, you will receive an e-mail with links to them.