All Chom Chom raids

15% discount on all menu, tea and appetizers for free for Smartless members at Chom Chom

every Tuesday from 7:30PM to 10PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Smartless Speakers Society — an event where guests can take in live communication with native speakers in English. 15% discount on all menus for all involved, tea and light snacks to order.

To participate you need to take the smartphone when you enter or leave the gadgets at home.
Requires pre-registration by phone or WhatsApp.

Buffet with unlimited Vietnamese food for 500₽ at Bich Cau

every Friday from 8PM to 11PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)

Each guest will be invited to take a seat at the big table with other guests. Meals are served as soon as they are cooked. Waiters bring out the food, so there’s no need to go anywhere. Upon your request the finished meals are replenished. Thus, the food is always freshly prepared. Drinks are not included in the cost of the buffet. You cannot take food with you. The registration for the buffet and payment (via transfer to Sberbank card) — by the link.

Buffet with unlimited Vietnamese food for 500₽ per person by appointment at Chom Chom

every Friday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM
Google Apple Calendar (.ics)
Address: Бутырская улица, дом 84
Open hours: show
mo 11:00 - 23:00
tu 11:00 - 23:00
we 11:00 - 23:00
th 11:00 - 23:00
fr 11:00 - 23:00
sa 11:00 - 23:00
su 11:00 - 23:00
Address: Коптевская улица, дом 65А
Open hours: show
mo 10:00 - 02:00
tu 10:00 - 02:00
we 10:00 - 02:00
th 10:00 - 02:00
fr 10:00 - 02:00
sa 10:00 - 02:00
su 10:00 - 02:00
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